Strategic Objective: and , Programme 1 detailed here

, Programme 3 detailed on here


Apart from developing a better understanding of local needs, the NLC is committed to the optimisation of beneficiary support. To achieve impact in funding organisational capabilities such as a programmatic approach as well as results based management are being developed. A programme approach recognises that development takes place through interconnected actions within a specified geographical location. It further recognises that there may be multiple needs that are often better addressed by multiple actors. Development is not a linear occurrence but a cross pollination of multivariate factors coalescing to produce desired change. A programme approach is better positioned to impact various socio economic and political factors which produce a “defective” social system in a specific environment. Adopting a programming approach goes someway in unearthing the underlying factors which produce the social conditions that grant funding aims to address. The conceptual relationship between funding for impact and beneficiary-centricity is a causal one. Beneficiary-centricity is one of the key interventions undertaken by the NLC to enable more impactful funding. Beneficiary-centricity is therefore one of the strategic and operational capabilities have been developed by the NLC to achieve impact in funding. The NLC’s vision is to be a catalyst for social upliftment with a brand promise of “changing lives.” The broad societal impact that we aim to Funding for Impact beyond financially sustaining the organisations that we fund but to change lives of our beneficiaries as well as the communities in which they live.

In the NLC’s quest to be beneficiary centric and optimise operational efficiencies, the Board approved the realignment of the executive structure for operational effectiveness. This resulted in the establishment of the Operations Division headed by the Chief Operations Officer. The division comprises of all nine (9) Provincial Offices, Grant Funding, and Business Development Department. The Operations Division serves as a strategic enabler for the smooth running of the organisations’ operations with the goal of ensuring that set organisational objectives are accomplished efficiently and economically.

Having noted the decline in revenues generated from the proceeds of the National Lottery, the NLC sharpened its focus in ensuring the highest return on investments by funding high-quality, high-impact and beneficiary-driven projects. This was achieved through the review and implementation of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Assessment Tools, and Adjudication Matrix.

During the year under review, the unit ensured compliance with the amended Lotteries Act focussing mostly on compliance to legislated time-frames such as finalisation of adjudication within hundred and fifty (150) days from the date of receipt of application, notification of the applicants about the outcome of adjudication within thirty (30) days from the date of adjudication, payments of grants within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of compliant Grant Agreement. Following the permanent appointment of Arts, Culture, Environment and National Heritage Distributing Agency in 2016/17 financial year, the Charities Distributing Agency was subsequently appointed within the year under review. The appointment of Sports and Recreation Distributing Agency is yet to be finalised by the dti. All the permanent and part-time Distributing Agency have been adequately integrated into the grant funding value chain. Significant progress was made in the roll-out of Education and Awareness programmes to empower both prospective and current beneficiaries. More than 2 300 Education and Awareness programmes were rolled-out across all provinces. These resulted in the improvement on the quality of applications and progress reports received. The pro-active funding model was adequately rolled-out within the current financial year focussing on funding of infrastructure projects such as Old-Age Homes, Sporting Facilities etc. in historically disadvantaged areas. In responding to the current challenges facing the tertiary education sector, the Board has approved an investment in the tertiary education sector. The investment will be rolled-out in the next financial year.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The NLC in its endeavour to monitor and measure the impact of funding, conducted 2 333 monitoring and evaluations site visits in all provinces. Over and above, impact evaluation studies were conducted in all provinces to determine the impact of NLDTF funding. From the projects visited, 14 414 jobs were created through NLDTF funding. Of the total jobs that were created 1 501 were for the youth. This interface with beneficiaries did not only focus on the appropriate utilisation of funds but also on the capacitation of beneficiaries assisting them to properly implement their projects. During the period under review, the M&E unit also extended its focus on the tracking of progress in the implementation of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Legacy Project. To holistically intervene, the ECDs were also funded for training and development of which 709 practitioners have since obtained qualifications ranging from NQF 1 to NQF 4. In terms of the secondary beneficiaries, a total of 743 091 people have been reported to have either been served or reached with various services offered by NLC beneficiaries during the year under review. These are beneficiaries that have directly benefited from NLC funded programs or projects. A clear statistical breakdown is shown on the tables below.

Research and Development

The Research and Development Unit was established during the period under review to support the organisation in evidence based decision making. As a foundation, the unit equipped itself with the appointment of a panel of researchers from various research institutions to assist with implementation of the research agenda and any other research requests as necessary. A knowledge audit was also completed toward the goal of creating a Knowledge Management Hub for the benefit of internal and external stakeholders.

Stakeholder Relations

Capacitating beneficiaries with the skills necessary to run their projects optimally has been a mainstay of NLC Indaba resolutions since 2013. A pilot project has since been launched to equip beneficiaries of funding with skills at an NQF Level 4 that would empower them in the areas of Governance, Financial management, Procurement, and Contract management. Provide by SETA-accredited service providers, the initial roll-out in North West, Free State, Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape saw 159 beneficiaries emerge as graduates. Key stakeholders both at a national and provincial level were engaged throughout the year. The engagement at national level included amongst others the 2017 National Indaba which was held under the theme “Funding for Impact”.

The National Indaba is a forum where the leadership and decision-makers of the NLC interacted with beneficiaries and stakeholders from around the country at a central location, in line with the provisions of the Lotteries Act to educate the public about its mandate. The Indaba took place from the 20th to the 22nd September 2017 and it comprised workshops, exhibitions, awards ceremonies, a gala dinner and stakeholder engagement sessions where resolutions were drawn up and agreed upon. The National Indaba was followed by Post Indaba Stakeholder Engagement (PISE) at a provincial level. More than 1 000 stakeholders attended the National Indaba while 800 stakeholders attended the PISE.

Stakeholder engagement and Education and Awareness Conducted

Quarters  Number stakeholder 
Number education 
and awareness 
Estimated number 
of attendees 
Q1  108  3 034 
Q2  24  1 274 
Q3  26  1 257 
Q4  800 
Total   19   163   6 365  

Type of stakeholder engagement  Key focus areas  Action taken to monitor the effectiveness of stakeholder management  Future areas of focus 
NLC beneficiary Capacity Building Programme  Providing training and mentorship to beneficiaries through an accredited service provider  Impact analysis/Post-training survey and interviews to measure efficiency of the programme  Train the trainer programme to be introduced 
NLC Stakeholder Indaba  Stakeholder engagement focusing on funding requirements, funding for impact and the entrenchment of the new key priority areas for funding.  Monitoring and evaluation of funded projects through M&E unit and provincial offices  Positioning NLC as regulator 
Education and Awareness roadshows  Extensive programme of engagement with beneficiaries on application processes, illegal gambling and society lotteries  Stakeholder evaluation/survey to measure the effectiveness of these engagements  Partnerships with other Funding organisations, the dti and institutions of learning 
Post Indaba Stakeholder Engagements (PISE) Feedback on the PISE Resolutions. Stakeholder engagement focusing on funding requirements, funding for impact and the entrenchment of the new key priority areas for funding.  Stakeholder evaluation/survey to measure the effectiveness of these engagements  Positioning NLC as regulator 

Marketing and Communications

Tasked with building and protecting the brand of the NLC, positioning it as a regulator and a funder, this unit oversees the branding, marketing, and information needs of the NLC. The amendment of the Lotteries Act and related changes to NLC processes revealed a bouquet of issues to be addressed through the communication strategy and education and awareness programmes. Reports across various media revealed that there was limited understanding of the regulations to the amended Act. This led to collaboration between NLC and the dti to unpack and translate the regulations. In terms of Media monitoring during the year, a total of 1 046 items across print, online and broadcast media were monitored of which 71% carried a positive tone whilst 4.7% carried a negative tone. Over and above 24, 2 % also revealed an increase compared to previous years of news items that carried a neutral tone – an area of opportunity for the organisation to engage the media in particular as a stakeholder group and enhance education and awareness of NLC processes.

Most of news items were carried online, which is not geo-specific. 14% were related to national issues whilst 11% were directly related to the Western Cape Province. The Mpumalanga province had the least coverage at 1%. The majority of the issues covered in the media are summarised below:

Negative Coverage  Positive Coverage 
Relating to Priority Funding Areas.  Funding for Impact Stories 
Regulations 14 – Cooling-Off period – Discussed in detail in the Legal Division report here  Stakeholder Engagements including Indaba and Post Indaba Stakeholder Engagements 
Part II, Regulation 10 relating to conduit applications –
discussed in detail in the Legal Division report here 
Section 2A of the Lotteries Act relating to Pro-Active Funding – discussed in detail in the Operations Division report here

Grant Funding

The NLC Grant Funding model is designed to promote and support the NLC’s strategic mandate by responding to socio-economic problems and leverage on opportunities through strategic funding. The key principle of the NLC’s funding model is to utilise NLC capitals to create opportunities for communities to realise their potential. The funding model is driven by an overall objective to Fund for Impact to maximise return on limited resources. The Funding Model is underpinned by Strategic Planning and Research

The NLC’s funding model is made up of Application-based funding and Proactive Funding.

The NLC proactively funded 20 projects amounting to R284 872 798. The majority of projects funded under pro-active funding were in the Charities Sector at 57% followed by Sports at 27%, Arts and Miscellaneous at 14% and 2% respectively. Most of the funding under the Charities Sector was for the construction of Old Age Homes and a Drug Rehabilitation Center while most of the funding for the Sports Sector related to the construction of Multisport Facilities. Majority of funding for Arts Sector was for the construction of Library, Museum and Cultural Village while Miscellaneous funding was for the drilling of boreholes in areas affected by drought. The above charts further indicate that Limpopo, Northern Cape and North West collectively received 54% of the pro-active funding budget followed by Mpumalanga at 10%, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal at 9% each. The above charts shows the NLC commitment of funding high-impact projects with the limited funding at hand. From the total allocated budget for pro-active funding, 93% was spent on infrastructure project.




Funding for Impact

The NLC has revised the underpinning philosophy of its funding model based on “Funding for Impact”. This calls for a much more systematic and deliberate approach to grant making that enables the NLC to do more with less. It is the provision of funding to targeted projects and programmes that are catalytic in nature that lead to measurable, positive social change and community upliftment.

The Lotteries Act, as amended, stipulates that funds shall be held in the NLDTF for distribution by the Commission. The distribution of the allocated sum shall be fairly and equitably made amongst all persons who meet the prescribed requirements. A list of all NLDTF funded project is available on the NLC website:


Arts, Culture and Natural
Heritage – Uplifting Society
Through The Arts 
Charities – Protecting The
Sport and Recreation –
Funding A Winning Nation 
Miscellaneous Purposes 
The NLC promotes the preservation and development of arts, culture and heritage to empower communities to help themselves and enable artists to showcase their work internationally. This sector funds the development of the arts and the preservation of South African culture and national heritage. The concept of national heritage is a broad one, which includes our natural environmental heritage as well as historical and architectural heritage. In general, applications are welcomed from organisations that:
  • Enable people across the country to enjoy a range of activities of arts.
  • Make arts accessible to more people.
  • Improve facilities so people get more enjoyment from the arts.
  • Provide arts facilities outside major cultural centres.
  • Promote art forms that are not adequately supported.
  • Preserve and promote awareness of culture and our historical, natural and architectural heritage
The NLC acts a catalyst for eradicating poverty and reducing inequality in South Africa, channelling 47% of its annual budget for distribution of funds to a range of good causes The Charities Sector receives the largest share of funds and covers a wide range of organisations in the social welfare, community health, literacy, and social development fields. Organisations can apply for funds if their activities:
  • Improve the quality of life of the community as a whole.
  • Assist disadvantaged or excluded groups, such as the elderly, people with disabilities and vulnerable children.
  • Provide facilities or services for the underprivileged.
The NLC is committed to sports development from grassroots level, and to building a healthy, winning nation. Equity, access and development are key themes in this sector which accepts applications from national sporting bodies, regional bodies, local sports clubs, recreational clubs and schools. The Sport and Recreation Distributing Agency considers funding for organisations that:
  • Enable more people to become involved in sports and recreation.
  • Assist disadvantaged communities to participate in sports and recreation activities.
  • Provide sports and recreation facilities that are accessible to communities.
Trade and Industry in the Regulations on “Direction for Distribution Agencies in determining the distribution of funds from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund”.
  • Projects that aim to address emergency situations, disasters and catastrophic events
  • Special projects/events that occur outside the various sectors’ normal call for applications.
  • Projects that fall outside the scope of Arts, Culture, Environment and National Heritage, Charities and Sports and Recreations sectors or straddle across the three sectors. In the case of the latter the project proposal will need to clearly demonstrate an integration of the different sector components into a holistic project outcome/deliverables.
  • The potential applicant must show that it aims to improve the quality of life of people and communities who are disadvantaged by poverty or social exclusion.
  • They need to indicate that projects undertaken or to be undertaken will promote social inclusion and encourage community involvement.

Funds allocated to the respective sectors are allocated by the regulated Distributing Agencies. Members of Distributing Agencies are appointed by the Minister for a period of five years to serve on a full-time basis as members of the distributing agency and staff members of the Commission responsible for adjudication of applications for grants or recommendations of funding of worthy good causes received from the Commission.

Distributing Agency members are responsible for considering, evaluating and adjudicating applications for grants or recommendations of funding of worthy good causes received from the Commission and preparing reports on grants already awarded and on the performance of its functions to the board on a quarterly basis or as and when requested by the board.

The Minister determines the number of the distributing agency members in each category in consultation with the board, in line with the size of the funds in such category: The number of Distributing Agency members shall not exceed nine in each category.

Members of the distributing agency are appointed for a period of five years, which may be renewed only once, to serve on a full-time basis as members of the distributing agency and staff members of the Commission responsible for adjudication of applications for grants or recommendations of funding of worthy good causes received from the Commission.

Members of Distributing Agencies are led by Chairpersons of the respective Distributing Agencies and accountable to the Board. The Board was satisfied that:

  • Members of Distributing Agencies have suitable combination of qualifications, skills and expertise to consider, evaluate and adjudicate applications for grants or recommendations of funding of worthy good causes received from the Commission.
  • Distributing agencies performed their functions independently and without fear, favour or prejudice; and
  • Adhered to any policy, directive or code of ethics approved by the board and applicable within the public sector.

During the period under review Distributing Agencies considered and approved allocation per sector as follows:

Arts, Culture and
Natural Heritage 
Charities  Sport and Recreation  Miscellaneous Purposes 
R332 468 332.00  R763 135 964.00  R419 863 598.00  R23 244 908.00 


Environmental projects

Total number funded to date: 465 organisations

Total amount distributed to date: R590 025 280.00 (Source data from 2008 to date)

The above graph illustrates a percentage of each project type under the 465 environment sub sector projects funded to date.

The majority of the organisations that were funded for organic gardens were schools of which 80% of them were also either funded for a Jojo Tank (Water harvesting tank) or an irrigation system. The boreholes would fall under the “Water purification” projects.

A total of 14414 jobs were created/retained through NLC funding

Sector  Total number 
of jobs created 
Charities  10 412  6 289  4 123  7 027  3 385 
Sports  670  153  517  324  346 
Arts  3 068  706  2 362  1 721  1 347 
Miscellaneous  264  263  150  114 
Total   14 414   7 149   7 265   9 222   5 192  

A total of 743 091 people has been reported to have either been served or reached with various services offered by NLC beneficiaries during the quarter under review

Sector  Total  Male  Female 
Charities  138 918  61 416  77 502 
Arts and culture  205 414  90 036  108 095 
Sports and recreation  398 759  190 100  192 310 
Total  743 091  341 552  377 907 

The NLC has provincial offices which provide the following services


Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 53

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R30 312 853

Total Allocations for the Year –
R162 417 372

Total of 378 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 269
Temporary jobs – 109
Female – 63%
Male – 37%

Provincial Office

Phase 4A, Waverly Office Park
Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst
East London

Empilisweni HIV/AIDS and
Orphans Care Centre

Amount granted to the
organisation just over
R3 Million for operational
costs and the infrastructure

Services rendered: Home
Based Care which includes
monitoring medications,
providing nutrition and
clothing as well as basic care
and emotional support for HIV/
AIDS patients and vulnerable
children; psycho-social
support; assist people to
access public services or legal
assistance; and education
and awareness campaigns on
issues facing the community



The Eastern Cape was allocated 10.7% of the total allocations made in FY2017-18 to the value of R159 million; the largest share went to Sport and Recreation (17%), followed by Arts, Culture and Heritage and Miscellaneous (9% each) and lastly Charities (7%). Over 400 public schools were granted funds to upgrade and improve their sporting infrastructure. The relatively small allocation to Charities can be attributed to the fact that many small grant applicants from the 2015 Charities call were still being processed; we expect to see increased uptake of Charities grants in the 2018-19 FY.

The focus areas for the province are to:

  • Ensure equitable allocation of funding to all Districts (historically centred around PE and EL).
  • Education and Awareness and capacity building on Grant Funding programme and other NLC programmes.
  • Charities (DSD/NPO Directorate/ECNGOC); Sports (DSRAC/ECSC); Arts (DSRAC/ECPACC).
  • Increase on percentage of allocations to address Provincial specific priorities based on research Improved M&E for impact evaluation.

Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 20

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R21 586 115

Total Allocations for the Year –
R112 059 056.00

Total of 1 418 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 379
Temporary jobs – 1 039
Female – 55%
Male – 45%

Provincial Office
321 Corner Ryk & Stateway
Welkom CBD

There are number of
outstanding projects that have
been funded in the province
in 2017/18 FY but only two will
be highlighted

Globe Environmental Care

information on environmental
conversation and
environmental health issues in
the township of Rammolutsi,

Maokeng Disabled
Children’s Centre was
established in 1987








The province has a population of 2.8 million with an estimated 4 150 NPOs, which
include those that not operational or currently fall out of NLC sectors. The rural landscape
promotes high poverty levels and remote communities.

The focus areas for the province are to:

  • Enhance visibility/footprints across the province.
  • Ensure funding is spread equally to all sectors (unemployment and declining economic
  • Strengthen relations with sector Departments and Stakeholders in Province (esp.
    agricultural, Sports and Arts) – Arts organisations are mostly individuals, agricultural
    organisations are mostly cooperatives/sports organisations are not formalised.
  • Province is stronger with Education – support mainly with sports facilities.
  • Ensure funding is distributed efficiently and effectively to deserving causes in line with
    the national legislation and NLC policies.
  • Education and Awareness on Grant Funding and other programmes (intense
    awareness on society lotteries). Indaba Resolution: Expand current knowledge and
    information sharing initiatives with beneficiaries/stakeholders – with this including
    greater access to compliance workshops and monitoring of beneficiary needs.

Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 93

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R226 244 315

Total Allocations for the Year –
R441 246 588.00

Total of 2 991 jobs created
through NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 1 710
Temporary jobs – 1 281
Female – 68%
Male – 32%

Provincial Office
Block D, Hatfield Gardens
333 Grosvenor Street

Bokone Community Home-
Based Care and ECD

Amount granted to the
organisation just over
R1 779 000.00 for operational
costs and the infrastructure

The organisation provides
the following services to 889

  • Feeding scheme for 613
    school kids.
  • Home-Based Care
    and Drop-in Centre
    which consists of 226
  • Early childhood
    development centre which
    consist of 50 children.

The organisation has
employed 177 people in
the following service areas;
Home-Based Caregivers,
Feeding Scheme, ECD, Clinic
Volunteers, Gardening and
Street Sweeping workers.






Gauteng’s population constituting 25% of the total South African population.

The province has 60 000 registered NPOs with the Department of Social Development. Allocation to the province for the financial year under review was 29.53% of the total NLC allocations, rand value of R441 million. Distributed as indicated: Arts Culture and National Heritage – 35.26%; Charities – 27.84%; Sports and Recreation – 25.48% and Miscellaneous – 61.48%

The NLC has identified the West Rand as one of the Districts that have to receive focused attention based on the level of development as well as the amount of allocated by the NLC.


  • The Gauteng Office will continue the engagements in the previous financial year with the following stakeholders.
  • Department of Social Development.
  • Department of Sports, Arts, Cultural and Recreation.
  • Local and District Municipalities.


The provincial office has conducted 10 Education and Awareness workshops around various municipalities in the financial year 2017/2018 and more will be conducted in the current financial year.


The provincial office mainly receives applications for small grants as many organisations can apply by themselves since the introduction of small grants. However, was there dissatisfaction from large organisations that were used to receiving larger grants in the past due to the reduced allocation because of new small entrants in the system. The demand is increasing at a rate higher than the supply. More engagement is required to explain the above.

That being the case, the Gauteng Province has continued to receive the highest share of the total annual Grant Budget. In the previous financial year, Gauteng received 30% of the budget, while the second highest province received a 12% allocation.

Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 119

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R70 135 124

Total Allocations for the Year –
R180 929 802.00

Total of 2 121 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 1230
Temporary jobs – 891
Female – 66%
Male – 34%

Provincial Office

Office 22, Smartxchange Building
05 Walnut Road

NLC Funded Project: SA

Sector: Sports and Recreation

Amount Allocated: R3 747 000

Project Objective: to
capacitate and empower
lifeguards and lifesaving
clubs from disadvantaged
communities (water safety,
safeguarding against loss of
life and promotion of other
lifesaving skills).

The project has carried
out 5 international tours
by supporting the athletes
with clothing, kits etc. and
has hosted African Leaders
Workshop with 7 nations in
attendance. Under Talent
identification they have 1 983
(1 162 males; 821 females)
beneficiaries, have rescued a
total of 114 325 people as at
December 2017 and now have
a total of 3 797 (2 845 males;
952 females) active members/



KwaZulu-Natal has a population of 16.6 million, approximately 21.3% of the South
African population. Poverty is a major challenge facing the province with the poverty rate
estimated at 45.1%; an indication that a little less than half of the provincial population is
living on a monthly income that is unable to sustain them. There are approximately 16 846
NPOs registered by the Department of Social Development in the Province.

The province will focus on increasing the footprint across the province and improve
turnaround times. Given the vast size of the province, the focus will be to promote the use
of online application platform.





Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 60

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R34 630 940

Total Allocations for the Year –
R153 984 534.00

Total of 2 284 jobs created
through NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 878
Temporary jobs – 1 406
Female – 70%
Male – 30%

Provincial Office

No. 5 Landros Mare Street

Highlighted project: Mantopi
Primary School

Sector: Miscellaneous

Amounted Allocated:
R611 096.40

Geographical area:
Ga-Malepe in Burgersfort

The school has a total number
of 168 learners (88 males and
80 females) The construction
of new toilets for the learners
are 90% complete

Project 2: Arts & Painting
Youth Development

Sector: Arts, Culture and
National Heritage

Amount Allocated:
R230 150.00

Project Objective: nurture
artistic talent of young
people in rural areas provide
employment to three
(3) teachers and train
30 volunteers art of painting
and caving sculptures i.e.
9 males and 21 females



Limpopo’s population was 5 726 800 (2015), constituting 10.51% of the total South African population. The province suffers from high unemployment and illiteracy with an estimated 2 million people living below poverty line. The rural vastness of the province creates a brain drain. The province has estimated 19 700 active NPO’s.

Provincial Priority Areas

  • School toilets (as per feedback from Arts DA).
  • Sports clubs (as per feedback from Sports DA).
  • Small scale farming and food security projects (alleviate effects of poverty and unemployment).
  • Social enterprise initiatives with economic spin-offs. i.e applications for muringa production and marula processing.
  • Mature our relationship with Ithuba.
  • Shared our E & A schedule with them. Pledged to avail terminal.
  • Optimise E & A workshops. i.e also cover society lotteries, regulation, Progress Reports and fraud awareness.




Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 18

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R32 360 683

Total Allocations for the Year –
R119 529 741.00

Total of 1902 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 1 086
Temporary jobs – 816
Female – 56%
Male – 44%

Provincial Office

25 Rood Street
Sonheuwel Dorp

Highlight Project: Hospice
of White River funded
R855,340.00 through the
Charities sector.

NLC funding has made it
possible for the organisation
continue rendering services
to a total of 41 (14 males and
27 females) beneficiaries and
created 5 permanent jobs.
NLC is the sole funder of this
organisation which makes it
possible for the organisations
to access the community it
serves, maintain equipment
and personnel salaries











Mpumalanga PROVINCE

Mbombela (previously Nelspruit) is the capital and the administrative and business centre of the province which has the fourth-largest economy in South Africa. The province of Mpumalanga is faced with various social-economic challenges which include inequality, poverty, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and youth unemployment and food security. The challenges facing province include:

Charities Sector – Sustainability issues faced by organisations result in double dipping and a lack of welfare infrastructure

Sports and Recreation Sector – Lack of Sports infrastructure and development of other sporting codes, often than Netball and Soccer. There is a lack of training and coaching

Arts, Culture, Natural Heritage Sector – Lack of performing arts hubs and growing applications for once-off events.

NLC Provincial Priorities

  • Ensure funding is distributed efficiently and effectively to deserving causes in line with the provincial government priorities.
  • Conduct Education and Awareness.
  • Strengthening of project monitoring and evaluation.
  • Effective implementation of SOPs.
  • Adherence to turnaround times and targets.
  • Strengthening Stakeholder Management.
  • Establishing MOUs with other funders (joint funding).
  • Improving team collaboration/positive work ethics.
  • Personal development of staff.
  • Instilling the culture of serving the people.


Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 15

Contribution to NLDTF –
R11 268 376

Total Allocations for the Year –
R93 031 794.00

Total of 794 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 385
Temporary jobs – 409
Female – 62%
Male – 38%

Provincial Office

Suite D, 9 Roper Street

Pampierstad Youth Forum
R670 800 funded from the
Charities sector

This is a youth organisation
serves the youth through
various programmes
including computer training,
entrepreneurship and driver’s
license programmes. The
Forum has put 18 young
people through an accredited
computer training course
recently. This is obviously
an important skill for young
people since Pampierstad is a
small rural town where access
to such skills is very limited.
It opens new opportunities
for these young people
when they apply for possible
employment opportunities.
The organisation also enrolled
15 young people on the New
Venture Creation programme.
This programme lends itself
to entrepreneurship and
business development. In an
area where job opportunities
are scarce it is important
that the youth create their
own jobs through becoming
self-employed and setting
up businesses. The forum is
rolling out a driver’s license
training programme, a critical
skill for job seekers.


Northern CApe PROVINCE

The province has a population of 1 145 861, qualifying as the province with the least population in South Africa. The province has high levels of unemployment as well as a huge geographic land base with isolated communities having poor access to services and information. The historic problem of substance abuse persists and the poor social infrastructure has an adverse impact on delivery of social welfare services. The Northern Cape has limited number of NPOs making it challenging to reach equitable distribution targets.

NLC Provincial Priorities

  • Target rural areas to increase first time applicants.
  • Focus on Sport – engage Federations, schools and SALGA to improve sector performance.
  • Educations and awareness spread throughout the year in all 5 districts – Target Pixley ke Seme which has a low volume of applications.
  • Build collaborative partnerships for co-funding and support funding in areas.
  • Pro-active funding prioritisation – funding for high impact projects for sustainable development.
  • Improve compliance and establish the NLC brand in communities.



Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 21

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R34 103 078

Total Allocations for the Year –
R120 141 814.00

Total of 991 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 534
Temporary jobs – 457
Female – 65%
Male – 35%

Provincial Office

16 Aerodrome Crescent
Industrial Side














North West’s population is estimated at 5 509 953.00. The province is made up mainly of agricultural land with townships and rural settlements. The is a high level of illiteracy and an estimated 6 000 NGOs, which are largely inactive, resulting in a low number of applications

Provincial Priority Areas

  • Ensure and keep to the 150 days promise.
  • Improve accessibility to NLC services.
  • Education and awareness to forge the collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders.
  • Bridge the technological divide through innovative ways of reaching NLC stakeholders.


Provincial distribution of
environmental projects
2018 to date – 66

Provincial Contribution to NLDTF –
R65 613 439

Total Allocations for the Year –
R113 709 520.00

Total of 1535 jobs created through
NLC Funding:

Permanent jobs – 678
Temporary jobs – 857
Female – 63%
Male – 37%

Provincial Office

Manhatten Place
130 Bree Street
Cape Town













The NLC provincial office was permanently established in May 2015 with a staff complement of fifteen. The office is fully capacitated to deal with all pre- and post-administrative duties. Cape Town is a segregated city – low density in and around city centre and high densities in outlying areas.

Challenges plaguing the province include high unemployment (over 50%), poverty, gender-based violence, drug and alcohol addiction and gang violence.

The provincial office will intensify stakeholder engagements, particularly focusing on the NLC’s regulatory mandate.

© NLC 2018