Read About Our Brand Change

The National Lotteries Board opened its doors in 1999 under the Lotteries Act (No. 57 of 1997).


The Act mandated the Board to:


Read the Lotteries Act of 1997 here 


Due to developments in legislation and in response to the needs of the nation, the following series of events took place.

The Lotteries Amendment Bill was signed into law by President Zuma in December 2013.



The amendment of the Lotteries Act allows the organisation to:

In February 2015 the Lotteries Amendment Act (No 32 of 2013) was proclaimed.


In April 2015, the amendments to the regulations of the Act were gazetted.


The National Lotteries Commission was launched in June 2015.

The change of the National Lotteries Board into the National Lotteries Commission is not simply about the logo and brand. It bring with it tangible change that will improve the service and impact that South Africans experience with and from the organisation.


What has improved with the new brand?

Continuing stakeholder engagements


Funding impact


Budget allocation has increased for Charities and Sport & Recreation

Since inception, over R 18 billion has been distributed to good causes. The evolution of the NLB into the National Lotteries Commission will not affect our role as a Regulator of lotteries, Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry, and most notably, as a Distributor of funds to good causes.


What has not changed:


Our commitment to the vision ‘To be the Catalyst for Social Upliftment’ remains undeterred.


We will continue to protect the public through the regulation of lotteries and sport pools


Proceeds from the National Lottery are still deposited into the NLDTF for distribution to good causes – however, the logo that will now be displayed on beneficiaries’ projects going forward will be:
