Grounds For Refusal

The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) may refuse or revoke a society’s registration for any of the following reasons:

a) It appears to the board that the society was not established and is not being run wholly or mainly for one of the purposes specified.

b) Any individual connected with the running of the society’s lotteries – past or future – has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty or an offence under the Lotteries Act.

c) The society’s lottery scheme is contrary to the law. Information supplied by the society in the application process was false in a material way.

d) It appears to the NLC that a lottery organised on behalf of the society within the last five years was improperly conducted.

e) Any fees payable under the Lotteries Act have not been paid.

f) Any information requested by the NLC has not been provided or the board has not been allowed to inspect the society’s management of lotteries. Such inspections include examining and taking copies of documents.

g) A person connected with the society’s lotteries acted or omitted to act in a way that caused another society’s registration to be refused or revoked.

h) The society has the same office or head office address as another society that has already been registered by the NLC and the two organisations are established for the same or related purposes.

The grounds for refusing or revoking the registration of a particular scheme for a society lottery are the same as those for societies, but exclude the grounds relating to:

The purposes of the society falling outside the specified scope of purposes. The society sharing offices and/or purposes with another organisation that is already registered by the NLC.