Foreword by the Minister

Without the distribution of funds to impact positively on communities, there can be no justification for a lottery system in South Africa. As an intervention by government, the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), has represented our agenda towards social upliftment and development.

As the need for funding continues to exist to eliminate inequalities in society, it brings a responsibility to the NLC to constantly identify methods of innovation and improvement to bring about equitable distribution.

Recent streamlining of processes to reduce bureaucracy in the application process are testament to this.

The NLC however cannot distribute if their regulatory programmes are not kept in sharp focus, as it is from these activities that revenue for funding becomes available.

The value chain of regulating the lottery space and funding good causes impacts other areas of socio-economic concern such as job creation and skills development, rural development, infrastructure development, promoting wellness and social cohesion. This is in line with the National Development Plan.

While there are still many pockets of the South African population that experience a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than the general population, the NLC which remains the largest funder of South African civil society organisations – has shown its ability to lead social change through lasting impact in communities through partnerships, collaboration, and aligning to government’s developmental priorities.

Identified area Performance measure Progress on ministerial priorities
Education and awareness Develop informational measures to educate the public about lotteries and provisions of the Lotteries Amendment Act No 32 of 2013 and by explaining the process, requirements and qualifications for grants More than 115 education and awareness workshops including stakeholder engagement sessions have been conducted to date.
Full-time distributing agencies Manage the integration of full-time Distributing Agency (DA) members to improve the application process The full time Distributing Agency’s (DA) function have been fully integrated into the Grant Funding value chain. Furthermore the implementation of Standard Operating Procedure for the adjudication process clearly outlining the role and responsibilities of both administration and DA was monitored. The organisation is still awaiting the finalisation of the appointment of full time Sports and Recreation DA.
Illegal lotteries Monitoring and enforcement against illegal lottery operations
Proactive funding Proactive funding based on informed research for worthy causes that may be funded without lodging an application in terms of the Act In alignment to the pro-active funding model, seven projects were pro-actively funded within the period under review. The projects related to construction of multi-sports facilities, cultural village, drought relieve project, and anti-xenophobia and initiations school’s public safety awareness programmes.
Monitoring of the operator Monitoring of the Lotteries Operator to ensure that it complies with government priorities e.g. The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (No. 53 of 2003) (B-BBEE), Local Procurement and Skills Transfer Policing and enforcing on identified and reported illegal lotteries continue. Joint enforcement with other entities is also undertaken.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) MOU with other Regulatory Agencies and provincial counterparts in clamping down on illegal lotteries and gambling Various reviews and inspections were conducted (both physically and desktop) to assess and ensure Ithaca’s compliance with the Lotteries Act and Licence.

Dr Rob Davies, MP
Minister of Trade and Industry

© NLC 2018